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Property Division Attorney in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

It Is Crucial to Protect Your Interests in Property Division

If you are facing divorce, you are probably wondering where you will live and what assets you will have left when it’s over. Those are common worries, and the best way to handle them is to get answers as soon as possible. Once you have the information, you can start to move forward and protect your interests.

At The Daubenspeck Law Office in Murfreesboro, I have helped countless people with questions and concerns like these. I understand that this is an important step in the divorce process. I treat my clients with care and respect, always telling them what they need to hear. You can rely on me to be upfront with you about what marital property you are likely to keep. This can help you be realistic about what to fight for and what to let go, which can save you time, money, and headaches. Be assured, however, that I will vigorously protect your interests throughout the process.

Dividing Property in Tennessee

Whether you have modest assets or complex assets, I can protect your rights in divorce. In Tennessee, marital property is divided by equitable distribution. This means that marital assets and debts should be divided in a manner that is fair to both parties. It does not necessarily mean that the division will be a 50-50 split.

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Marital property can include:

  • Financial accounts

  • Retirement accounts and pensions

  • Investments

  • Your home

  • Vehicles

In addition, you will have to divide the marital debts, which may include credit card debt, your mortgage, and any other loans. This is just as important to your future well-being as dividing the assets, so it is important to have a knowledgeable lawyer on your side.

Working with An Experienced Attorney Can Make a Difference

I have over 18 years of legal experience and can protect your rights during all aspects of Tennessee family law cases. I am fully committed to my clients and the outcome of their cases. Plus, you will work directly with me throughout your divorce; you won’t be passed off to another lawyer or a paralegal.

To learn how the law may apply to your circumstances, please call or send a message to get started. Your consultation is free.