The Representation That You Deserve Contact Me Today

Criminal Defense Attorney in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Protect Your Rights and Freedom With a Strong Criminal Defense

If you face criminal charges or if you have been questioned by police in connection with a crime, it is wise to immediately enlist the services of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. I am Attorney Allen R. Daubenspeck, and I have extensive experience defending clients against drunk driving charges, drug crimes, and more. In addition, I was an assistant district attorney, so I know how the state prosecutes crimes.

What a Good Defense Attorney Does

The consequences of a criminal conviction are too serious to be taken lightly. Your lawyer should be focused on minimizing the impact of any criminal charge. This is not a time for cookie-cutter legal strategies.

Any lawyer worth hiring should take the time to learn about you and the details of your situation. Anything less can result in you having a subpar defense, which can result in stiff fines or even jail time.

You Need a Strong Defense

Tell Me About Your Case

Every client has unique circumstances that define their case. I will take the time necessary to make sure I have all of the information I need to prepare the strongest possible defense. I represent clients in a wide range of cases, including:

Do Not Waste Another Moment to Begin Defending Yourself

If you or a loved one faces criminal charges, now is the time to get an attorney who can defend you. Choose a lawyer who knows what it takes by calling our Murfreesboro office or by reaching us through our online contact form. Your consultation is free. We serve clients throughout Middle Tennessee, so call today, and protect your tomorrow.